Exhibition and Publications

1st –17th August 2025: Solo Exhibition Desenzano d/Garda (Bs), “Garda’s Blues”

5th March- 17th April 2025: Group Exhibition Martina Franca (Ta) Palazzo Ducale, “E fu sera e fu mattina”

25th January- 8th February 2025: XI Biennal Group Exhibition Bari Museo dei pigmenti colorati, “Women in.. Art”

2024 Publication of ” Eternal Cycle_The Dance of Life and Creation” in the book “Colors- Best Photographers of 2024” by Dodho, Spain

12nd – 22nd December 2024: 8th Barcelona Biennale Group Exhibition with “Winged Illusion”

21st September – 4th october 2024: San Paulo Brasil Group Exhibition “Singular Exhibition” with “Gate of Paradise #03”

May 2024: Cavallerizza Torino Liquida Photofestival by Paratissima, work “Garda’s Blues – la mappa”

2023: Publication of an article in issue no. 156 3/2023 of “AB Atlante Bresciano,” pages 73-74-75

2023: Group exhibition in Montichiari Bs, work “Dea Boudoir”

2019: Solo photographic exhibition at Villa Fenaroli, Rezzato (Bs) “Dea Boudoir”

May 10-13, 2018: London Brick Lane Gallery, Group exhibition with 2 works “Dea Boudoir”

March 28-29, 2015: Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi, “Dieta Live” conference, solo exhibition “Sapore del Mito” curated by Fiammini Group.

2015: Participation in the Expo Milano project – in collaboration with the Association of Italian Excellences in Milan and at the United Nations headquarters in New York

November 29, 2014: Verona Palazzo della Gran Guardia, solo exhibition “Tracce di Mille Miglia e di Swing in solidarietà” in collaboration with the DBA Italia Foundation Onlus, in support of research against Diamond-Blackfan anemia.

2014: Publication of the monographic book “Tracce di Mille Miglia, immagini senza tempo sulla corsa più bella del mondo” (2014), ed. Cavinato, 4 languages, with the patronage of Museo Mille Miglia, 1000Miglia srl, Club 1000Miglia Franco Mazzotti.

May 2014: Traveling exhibition in the historic center of Brescia, during the Mille Miglia event “Tracce di Mille Miglia”

April 2014: Publication in issue no. 55 of “Gente di Fotografia,” page 113 work “Minosse” from the collection “Ritratti dell’uomo”.

January 2014: Article in ArtScene, LA ArtShow, 2 pages dedicated to the event exhibition at IICLA

November 2013: Solo exhibition in Los Angeles (USA) at the Italian Cultural Institute with the
presence of the Italian consul in LA, Dr. Perrone, and Katherine Kelly Lang, actress (Beautiful).

November 2013: Personal event/exhibition in Los Angeles (USA) at the Mille Miglia Museum with the presence of the American consul in Milan, Dr. R. Paladino Junior, R. Gaburri, President of 1000 Miglia srl, President of the Association of Italian Excellences, Dr. R. Pace.

November 2013: Brescia Franciacorta, Group exhibition of two authors “Architettura Lirica femminile”.

March 2013: Palazzo della Marra, Barletta (Ba) Solo exhibition “Tracce di Tempo. Ritratti e stagioni dell’uomo in Fotografia”.

January 2013: Publication of an article in the historical magazine ASI “La Manovella,” page 19 dedicated to the collection “Tracce di Mille Miglia”.

December 8, 2012 – January 12, 2013: Xinhua Agency Gallery, Beijing, China.

2011-2013: Solo exhibition at the Mille Miglia Museum, Brescia with the exhibition “Tracce di Mille Miglia”.

November 2012: Group exhibition of 13 authors representing Italian photography in Beijing at the Lishui Artistic Photography Festival (Zhejiang Region) (CHINA) with the Fiof association “Tracce di Mille Miglia”.

November 2012: Publication in the Chinese magazine “Photoworld,” pages 108-109-110-111-112-113 “Tracce di Mille Miglia”.

April 2, 2012: The Cube Club, Desenzano del Garda (Bs) Solo exhibition “Tracce di 1000Miglia”.

2012: Spazio Heart Non-profit Association, Vimercate (Mb) Solo exhibition “Tracce di Mille Miglia”.

March 2012: Palazzo Civico, Orvieto, Solo exhibition “In Barba”.

January 2012: Mille Miglia Museum Brescia, Charity event with Enzo Iacchetti “Tracce di 1000miglia per il Kenya”.

2010: Publication in the magazine “Riflessioni” no. 17 of the Centro Italiano Fotografia d’Autore, pages 6-7-8-9 article “Introduction and brief history of the Self-Portrait,” page 44 work “Dreaming,” pages 74-75 intro and work “Adolescenti in classe” from the work with the Trebeschi Middle School of Sirmione (Bs).

2010: Centro Italiano della Fotografia d’Autore, Bibbiena (AR). Group exhibition “Io mi vedo così.” Authors section.

2010: Galleria Civica G. B. Bosio in Desenzano d/G Solo exhibition “Sapore del Mito” with a 15×20 cm catalog.

2009: Palazzo Civico Dante Alighieri, Sirmione (BS), “Tracce di tempo Stagioni dell’uomo in Fotografia” with a 10×21 cm catalog.

2007: FEP Federation of European Professionals, Brussels, Belgium, QEP Qualified European Photographers, Portrait Category, Group exhibition.

2006: Orvieto Fondo Internazionale di Fotografia, Orvieto, Group exhibition of recently qualified photographers QIP Qualified Italian Photographers, Portrait section.

2006: FEP Federation of European Photographers, Bourbon Lancy – France Group exhibition “L’été des portraits- Le Festival européen du portrait photographique”.

2003: Associazione Culturale MetroQuadro, Milan, Italy Solo exhibition of theater photography “Partire da ritorno Impossibile. Il viaggio del Barrio Carmen”.

1998: Traveling group exhibition of 5 authors in Italian foyers with giant photographs from the work “Don Giovanni” by W. A. Mozart curated by As. Li.Co. Associazione Lirico Concertistica.